What to Do When You Feel Stuck in Your Job Search

February 20, 2020

Looking for a new job can be time-consuming and an emotionally draining experience. You’ve put in time perfecting your resume, doing phone interviews, taking time out of your day to meet for in-person interviews, and following-up after every interview. Your job search can seem like its own full-time job! Sometimes, it can even feel never-ending! Don’t worry – take a deep breath and keep reading for some practical tips for when you’re feeling stuck.

Ask someone to review your resume

When you’ve been applying for jobs for a while, it can be hard to look at your resume objectively. Sometimes, all you need is someone else to take a quick scan of your resume. They can point out things that you may have missed or can make recommendations for how you can make it sound better.


Networking can be intimidating! But don’t worry, here are some ways to ease into the networking scene. You never know who will lead you to your next job! There are a few ways you can network

Seek a mentor: A career mentor is someone who shares their knowledge and expertise with you in order to help you set goals, fix problems, and make good choices along your career path. How can you find a mentor? It can be easier than you think. A former boss, professor, or friend can be a mentor. This is where your network skills will come in handy.

Attend job fairs: When you’re piled in a room with hundreds of other people working toward the same goal as you, standing out — in a good way — can seem like an impossible task. Ask thoughtful questions. The right questions will show that you have put thought into the company and are interested in learning more. It is not a good idea to ask questions that could be answered with a quick search on the company’s website. This can convey a lack of preparation or interest. Don’t forget to ask for a business card and follow-up after a few weeks!

Get active on LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a great place to start your networking initiatives. But, you have to do more than just have a LinkedIn profile. The issue is that if you’re only updating your profile now and then, you’re not fully utilizing all LinkedIn can do for you, which includes taking hours off of your job search. You can start by building your network, following companies you are interested in, commenting on posts, and making posts of your own! Another great way to show you are searching for a job is to update your profile headline!

Practice your interview skills

Getting interviews but no job offers? That means your resume is doing its job! Now, focus on polishing your interview skills during your job search. What does this mean? Make sure you are prepared for the interview! Here are a few practical tips:

  • Research the company before the interview – be able to talk about what it is they do and any important projects they have.
  • Come prepared with a variety of questions to ask the interviewer – an interview is a 2-way street, after all.
  • Practice your answer to tough interview questions. Don’t get stuck not knowing an answer
  • Is it a video interview? Video interviews can have different formats and even specific etiquette (Yes…you have to wear pants!)
  • Keep reading for more general interview tips to ace your upcoming interview