

International Nonprofit Research Organization

August 01, 2023
Over two decades of service in providing and managing a nationwide field workforce for an international nonprofit research organization.
International Nonprofit Research Organization

Large Academic Institution

August 01, 2023
Successful Curriculum Vitae Data Input Project for large academic institution delivers dedicated on-site team and exceeds expectations by completing the project on-time and within budget.
Large Academic Institution

Call Center / Telecommunications

August 01, 2023
Successful use of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) for a major call center delivers better candidate sourcing and screening and a dedicated on-site recruitment team.
Call Center / Telecommunications

Major U.S. Airline

August 01, 2023
Highly successful Recruitment Ppocess Outsourcing (RPO) program for the airline industry exceeds expectations in delivering talent for a major U.S. airline.
Major U.S. Airline

Cable TV Channel

August 01, 2023
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is used to handle accelerated large-scale recruitment efforts for major cable TV channel.
Cable TV Channel

Financial Institution

August 01, 2023
Headway provides improved payrolling and technology processes for the contingent workforce of a leading financial institution.
Financial Institution
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