

August 2021 Jobs Report

September 13, 2021
U.S. employers expanded payrolls by 235,000 jobs in August 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Employers in professional and business services, transportation and warehousing, private education, manufacturing, and other services saw significant growth in August 2021. On the other hand, employment in retail trade declined over the month.
August 2021 Jobs Report

Benefits of Temporary Employment

August 23, 2021
During a year, staffing companies hire 16 million temporary and contract employees. Temporary employees are hired for a limited period of time. Such employees may be hired on a contract, casual, part-time, or full-time basis, but the employment is temporary. For many, searching for a job consists of looking for full-time, permanent positions. However, a temporary assignment can offer many benefits. There is often a bias against temporary employment, but these assumptions lead many people to miss out on the benefits that temporary positions can provide.
Benefits of Temporary Employment

July 2021 Jobs Report

August 18, 2021
U.S. employers expanded payrolls by 943,000 jobs in July 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Employers in Leisure and Hospitality continue to lead in hiring, followed by Local Government Education, and Professional and Business Services.
July 2021 Jobs Report

A Brief History of Staffing

July 26, 2021
The staffing industry has gone through many changes since the first agency was founded in 1906. Staffing agencies operate within the business services industry, finding workers for client companies. Unlike recruitment companies, staffing firms primarily deal with temporary and contract positions. Companies depend on staffing employees to help them get through busy seasons, support significant projects, and foster business growth. Staffing agencies provide a company with customized services based on their resources and needs.
A Brief History of Staffing

June 2021 Jobs Report

July 12, 2021
U.S. employers expanded payrolls by 850,000 in June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Employers in leisure and hospitality continue to lead in hiring, adding 343,000 last month as pandemic restrictions and health concerns continue to decrease.
June 2021 Jobs Report

Productivity in a Remote Work Environment

July 08, 2021
According to a GWL survey, 71% of Americans currently work remotely at least one day a week. Of those who are working remotely, 77% report that they are more productive when remote. Remote work is working from anywhere other than the office, so your home, a café, or even outside.
Productivity in a Remote Work Environment
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