

The Best Power Verbs for Your Resume

January 22, 2020
When writing your resume, it’s important to stay away from weak, passive, and generic verbs (such as “assisted,” “oversaw,” and “utilized”). By starting each bullet point about your past experience with power verbs, you draw hiring managers in and give them a concrete picture of your expertise. It’s also important to note that some verbs will help you get past those pesky ATS bots. While reading through this list of power verbs, think about your duties, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Remember, jobs that you are no longer working at should be past tense while your current job should use verbs in the present tense.
The Best Power Verbs for Your Resume

Recruitment Strategies for Overcoming the Skills Gap

January 15, 2020
The nature of work is rapidly changing due to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the gig economy, and automation. What does this mean? The skills that employers value and rely upon are changing. Now, with a decreasing unemployment rate shrinking the applicant pool, employers can no longer avoid the skills gap. In fact, 83% of HR professionals reported having difficulty recruiting suitable job candidates.
Recruitment Strategies for Overcoming the Skills Gap

JP Sakey Speaks on IHeart Media Podcast – CEOs to Know

January 10, 2020
JP Sakey joined iHeart Media Raleigh on their CEOs to Know podcast series. The series shines a spotlight on decision-makers from all corners of the Triangle showcasing the leaders and companies that drive our local economy.
JP Sakey Speaks on IHeart Media Podcast – CEOs to Know

Perfect New Years Resolutions for Job Seekers

January 02, 2020
If the number one thing on your list for 2020 is finding a new job, it’s time to get serious! Resolutions may seem cliche, but the New Year is actually the perfect time to commit to actions that will positively affect your career. Just like any other resolution, saying you’re going to do it is the easy part. Here are the top 5 resolutions you can make to get you one step closer to finding your dream job.
Perfect New Years Resolutions for Job Seekers

3-D Printer Retailer

September 16, 2019
Headway provided a combination of Recruitment and Talent Acquisition and Employer of Record services to help facilitate the launch of a Brand Ambassador program for 350 stores nationwide for a 3-D printer retailer.
3-D Printer Retailer

Holiday Job Hunting Tips

December 23, 2014
Don’t let the holidays slow down your job search. A common misconception among the average job hunter every holiday season is that all hiring slows down between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Holiday Job Hunting Tips
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